July 13, 2011

Day 7 & 8: 10 Days of Real Food Pledge

I didn't really have anything to report yesterday because I ate food prepared earlier in this challenge.  Today, being Wednesday, made our supper a "fix whatever you want evening".  I fixed my usual oatmeal around 8:00 pm this evening, but was "hankering" for some biscuits, too.  I have always made homemade biscuits with self-rising flour, shortening, and buttermilk.  Tonight I found a recipe for whole wheat biscuits and they ended up being a pretty good substitute.  This recipe came from Nourished Kitchen.  She explains whole wheat flour dough made with buttermilk and allowed to soak from 2 hours to overnight make a more tender biscuit.  I made my dough out of 1 1/4 cups of whole wheat flour, 1/4 cup cold butter, and 1/2 cup buttermilk after I came home from work and let it soak until about 8:00 (3 hours).  Then I kneaded in 1/2 tsp soda and 1/2 tsp salt (you can definitely use less salt), cut my biscuits and baked at 450 degrees until lightly browned on top.  These biscuit were much better than other whole wheat biscuits I have tried before.  Definitely a recipe to continue playing with.  I also used some Simply Fruit Jam with my biscuits.

Eat healthy!

Judy :)

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